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NeatImage v5.2 verfügbar

Verfasst: Sa Okt 15, 2005 11:39
von Reni
Seit gestern auf der Page verfügbar NeatImage v5.2

Hier Auszug der Verbesserungen:

[+] New feature
[*] Changes/improvements
[-] Fixed bug/error

Neat Image v5.2

+ Full support for dual-core processors in Filtration Job Editor and Photoshop plug-in: Neat Image will now be able to utilize both parts of a dual-core processor when processing each image in standalone application and in plug-in

+ Plug-in installer: added support for Photoshop Elements 4.0
+ Plug-in installer: added support for Paint Shop Pro X

* Re-grouped options related to output images
* A warning about small image area is now also controlled by the corresponding setting in Neat Image options

* Neat Image produced an error message when opening some images with the EXIF data corrupted by resaving in Picasa, fixed

* Several general efficiency improvements and cosmetic changes

- Neat Image did not start processing an image sent from another application via "Open With..." command, fixed; now it does automatically start processing when possible
- Default profile/preset were not loaded using the command line interface, fixed
- Neat Image Home and Home+ edition did not open 16-bit images when they should, fixed

Gruß - Reni

Verfasst: Sa Okt 15, 2005 20:25
von PeterB
Danke für den Hinweis. Scheint ja aber keine Revolution zu sein!?

Verfasst: So Okt 16, 2005 11:40
von Reni
Scheint ja aber keine Revolution zu sein!?
Nö, isses nich...
Ich warte halt immer noch auf den Geschwindigkeitsrausch beim "Entrauschen" hi :wink:
Liegt aber an meiner alten Rechenmaschine. Beim Kollegen, der hat nen neuen 64AMD, macht sich der Unterschied schon bemerkbar. :D

Gruß - Reni